Saturday 31 October 2015

What Is Kundalini?Kundalini is spiritual energy that can raise the consciousness of a man to higher realms. Ordinary people have it unawaken or inactive. In the physical body, it is located in the coccyx.

In the human body, beside spiritual energy there are spiritual centers. They are called chakras. Each of these centers is related to a certain realm in the Universe. With the development of each chakra, everybody can acquire certain supernatural powers.

Supernatural abilities            

-read other people"s minds ,

-out-of-the-body experience,

-getting any information from the Akashic records,

-feeling the state of the soul of other people.

However, supernatural abilities are not the main purpose of Kundalini awakening. Instead a practitioner aims to achieve a state in which he depends no longer on the outer world and acquires the ability to be reborn in whatever realm he wants after death.

7 Main chakras and Kundalini

There are seven main chakras. If to look at them using spiritual vision, it is possible to see how they are located in the body. Let's start from the bottom and move to the top:
  • 1 Muladhara. It is located in the coccyx. It is related to the condition of the physical body, health and strength. That's where Kundalini "sleeps".
  • 2 Swadhistana. It is located just above the genitals. It is related to poetic abilities, development of sexual power, vitality.
  • 3 Manipura. It is located in the navel. It is related to the digestive system and enables to lead an active life even if nutrition is limited.
  • 4 Anahata. It is located in the center of the chest. It is related to nobility, gaining fameeven if a person has no special talent.
  • Vishuddha. It is located in the throat. It is related to the leadership, deep knowledge of the various Laws of the Universe, climbing the career ladder.
  • 6 Ajna. It is located in the eyebrow center. It is related to the fulfillment of all desires in this world.
  • 7 Sahasrara. It is located above the top of the head. It is related to the ability to freely leave the physical body, acquire experience of other realms or discard this body and enter Nirvana, Maha Nirvana or Maha Bodhi Nirvana.

To develop each chakra, we need to awaken Kundalini. Kundalini awakening is achieved by proper spiritual practice under the guidance of the True Guru, who has reached a high spiritual level.

What happens after Kundalini awakening?

Normal people are not capable of standing stresses like spending a long time without any clothes in a cold weather, standing a lot of stress due to work, doing without food, water and sleep for several days. However, after Kundalini awakening it is all possible. Moreover, the rise of Kundalini causes certain changes in the human brain. In fact, a man becomes a genius. His mental abilities are increasing significantly.
If a person has experienced a lot of stress before starting to practice after Kundalini awakening, he feels no impact of external factors on his consciousness as his consciousness is focused inwards rather than outwards. It means that his worldly desires are decreased and the mind starts to dwell in a peaceful state.

 Modern people live in the age of stress, in the age when there are many ways of entertainment and passtimes. There is stress on the opposite side of them. Stress arises because there is a difference between internal human aspirations and external conditions. In other words, each time a person looks for more pleasure, but these new pleasures cease to bring him happiness or peace. This stress is related to Kundalini awakening.
                                      The topics of the lectures are:

1. Chakras and Kundalini. There will be revealed topics as the importance of cleansing chakras and awakening Kundalini for our further spiritual evolution into higher beings.

2. The Law of Karma .
3. Merits. a secret of fulfilling wishes. 
4. The precepts. ten types of spiritual practice that lead to happiness.
5. Inner and outer happiness.
6. The Truth about reincarnations. Liberation
7. Creation of the Universe and yoga theory.(other realms the connection of the Bing Bang theory with yoga theory)
8. The chance of meeting the Truth in this life. (which benefits will give, the truth what is it to ordinary people )
9. The Necessity of a Guru (explani his role)?

From this course you will:

• Learn the true cause of all fortunes and misfortunes. You’ll find out what you need to do to lead a happy life. In other words, you’ll be able to understand the Law of Karma.
• Find out interesting facts about human thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness about what makes us act in this or that way.
• Learn about Kundalini, spiritual energy that is the key to Super (Divine) Powers.
• Discover the essence of altruism and helping others.

• Understand the process of the Universe creation. You’ll find out about other realms.
• Learn the methods of getting peace of mind.
• Be initiated into very effective methods of practice that will help you awaken and raise your Kundalini energy, be in good health.
• Find out about Enlightenment and Liberation. You’ll be initiated into Samadhi, the highest meditation.

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